Donna R. Kohlts Horngren (Kohlts)
Am not sure if I should pick up where I left off last reunion five years ago - or -just start anew. Not much has changed in that time period. I was already retired having sold my travel agency. Scott retired a couple of years ago now. My Mom had been gone over 12 years (now 17 years). During those 17 years I became very close to my Dad and remained that way until last year (2015) when he passed away at the age of 91. I miss him every day! I always knew I wasn't immortal, but now as I'm getting older, I hope to reach the age of 91 and be in as good of health as my Dad.

Scott and I are enjoying our lives and witnessing our grandchildren's growth and challenges. We are proud of our two successful daughters (Stephanie and Christine) happily married and busy raising our beautiful grandchildren, ranging in age of 10-18, three dogs, parakeet and a lizard! Not to forget the pet frogs and turtles that our youngest grandson searches for each weekend at the cabin! Three grandsons ( Andrew, Tommy & Colten) are active in hockey and baseball; eldest granddaughter (Avery) in dance and recently picked for the Duluth East Cheer Team, and youngest granddaughter (Maya) runs 5K's and plays hockey, as well.
Speaking of 5K's, I'm joining Christine and Avery in a 5K this fall -my first one! I hope I don't break anything!

Scott began searching for a warm weather retirement area while we were in our late 40's-50's. The active community of The Villages in central Florida suits us perfect. While I miss the fall colors and crisp air which comes with our Minnesota autumn days, we head to Florida for October and November, returning north for the holidays and to watch our grandchildren play hockey (ranging from Squirts, Pee Wee, Junior Varsity and Varsity). After freezing our buns off for about 6-7 weeks, we head back to winter in The Villages until mid-May. We are fortunate to have a huge circle of friends both in Duluth and The Villages. We energize each other, staying as youthful as possible. Even though we know youth is not on our side! :-)

During the summer months you'll find us at our lake home in Wisconsin which we built from scratch beginning in 1981. You'll still find us hard at work with remodeling projects most weekends. Occasionally you find me on the knee board or Scott casting a fish line with our grandson, Colten. Last catch and release from our small lake was a 20 inch 3-1/2 pound largemouth bass. Good job guys!!

Lord willing, we will be able to continue this schedule til we're in our 80's. Two more years and Scott and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary! We have been truly blessed!

I am thrilled at the fact that I am able to attend our 50th year Class Reunion. Many thanks to Marla and the committee members in their diligence in pulling this event all together!

The picture below is our first (and probably last) selfie :-)